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Golden Homes® Swim Scholarship

Please read all scholarship details below before submitting your application.

About the Scholarship


The Golden Homes Swim Scholarships is among the most prestigious scholarship available in New Zealand.  This will enable high performing swimmers the opportunity to train at a world class facility with other athletes also competing at an elite level. These athletes will have full access and mentoring by some of the best swimming coaches and personal trainers currently in New Zealand.


The scholarship is open to male and female elite swimmers from any club provided they are eligible to compete for New Zealand. Recipients must be leaders in the sport, exhibiting outstanding sportsmanship, exemplary work and training standards, be a team player and strive for excellence.



Thank you for your application​



The Golden Homes Swim Scholarship will be awarded to New Zealand athletes performing at an elite level who either currently train with, or will commence training with North Shore Swim Club immediately on being awarded the scholarship.




Full payment of membership fees as set by the Club, including annual fees, squad training fees, Swimming New Zealand and Auckland Swimming Association fees.


An allocation of up to $1,000.00 for the period of the scholarship for approved expenses associated with swimming related equipment and travel.


Gym Membership at  AUT Millennium during the period of the scholarship, thanks to AUT Millennium.


Golden Homes Swim Scholarship attire including shirts and training togs.




 The scholar is required to:

  • Represent North Shore Swimming Club.

  • Attend all national meets unless prevented to do so by injury/illness.

  • Attend and present at the annual North Shore Swimming Club Awards.

  • Update Golden Homes with their sporting achievements and allow Golden Homes to promote these achievements.

  • Attend all training sessions and train at a high level unless prevented by injury/illness.

  • Wear and compete at all meets in the attire provided.

  • Comply with North Shore Swimming Clubs Code of Ethics.


Failure to meet any of the above obligations will result in the scholarship being withdrawn.


How to Apply


Scholarship applicants can apply by hitting the APPLY NOW box below and filling your details on the application form.


Finalists will be contacted by phone and will be invited to present to a panel consisting of representative from Golden Homes and North Shore Swimming, followed by a short interview. The results from this interview will be sent to the selection panel for their decision. Note the selection panel’s decision is final and there is no right of appeal.


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