NSS Fundraising Samosa Orders
NSS is offering the opportunity to order delicious samosas. This snack is healthy and delicious and can be prepared in an oven or air fryer.
$20 for a box of 10 (RRP $4.00 each at local supermarkets)
There are 3 options available (see FAQ’s and Product Information):
1. Butter Chicken - The crowd favourite! This is a one-of-a-kind product made with premium ingredients. Precooked, oven ready and suitable for the pie warmer. Halal certified.
2. Lamb - Traditionally spiced lamb samosa. A classic meat-based option. Pre-cooked, oven ready and suitable for the pie warmer. Halal certified.
3. Vegetable - Made with traditionally spice potatoes and mixed vegetables. Pre-cooked, oven ready and suitable for the pie warmer. Vegan friendly.
Order Closing Date:
Midday at midday, 14 November
Pick Up from MISH:
3.30pm - 4.15pm, 24November
Email your orders: (type and quantity) to: Hurbuns@gmail.com
Payment details:
- Account: Pay to the NSS Fundraising Account: 01-0274-0013810-047
- Reference: Add your Swimmers Name as reference for easy distribution.
Full details in the attachment at the top of the page.
